
Jigsaw Sudoku is a variant of Sudoku.


The underlying grid and the rules are the same but in jigsawsudoku the 3x3 boxes of squares are replaced by irregularly shaped boxes of 9 squares. Colours are used to define these boxes. Please refer to the adjacent figure.

All of the standard sudoku algorithms except Locked Candidates still apply. Apart from these the game is pretty much the same as our sudoku game and so this descripition is quite brief and players are requested to refer to the sudoku page for more information. That being said, a few more remarks are in order.

The game contains 1000 puzzles, each of which can be solved by the built-in hint algorithms. Given the complexity of defining jigsawsudoku puzzles we do not provide methods for loading additional puzzles. An option to change the colour of the boxes has been added to the Colour setting methods.

Jigsawsudoku Worked Example

The player uses the green box at the top to enter a new puzzle number and the puzzle is displayed. She then uses the menu to set the hint mode to "most effective". The player then right clicks on the hint button and the program applies the Exclusion Rule exhaustively and so clears many candidates. As this is just for demonstration purposes she then completes the puzzle using only the hint option: left-clicking to select and then apply each hint, but right-clicking whenever an answer is set.